Kevan Suchit
Kevan Owner of Codewithkevan, former web design intern, full time web developer and student in computing. "New journeys can be scary but its always worth the effort in the end".

Advantages Of Having a Website


It's no doubt that getting/having a webiste has many advantages to it. The first obvious advantage is selling online. A website can provide a gateway or a catalogue of all products from a company and potentially sell them. In these difficult times this is very useful for all business owners. In fact, not only is this a means of client/agent sale but it is more cost effective than other ways of advertising.

Businesses with websites are very likely to reach a wider audience. The demographic reach expands providing possibilities from much more places. Imagine sleeping at home and attaining new sales, think about that. You get a 24 hour open for customers still searching for the right product, people and price. This level of convenience is second to none, as a business owner a website is incredibly useful for you.

What about the rest? As mentioned in our types fo websites article we went into various online assets and its uses but let's talk more about these advantages. A blog website sets up a place, community or a forum depending on your needs for potential customers. It can give another form/way of venting online, talking about experiences, events, things you are interested in and much more. Blogs are great for everyone it gives viewers more insight on you and how you define yourself.

Unlike blogs, portfofolio websites speaks about you in a highly professional manner. Your work experiences, qualifications, skills and perhaps a little more about yourself goes here. It is directed for employers and other persons seeking interest in your field of work. A portfolio website perks you up, employers take a lot more interest in your application when a portfolio link sits right next to it. As a matter of fact many people like myself can testify to this.

If you or someone you know are looking for web design services, look no further. Contact Kevan or visit the website for more information.
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